Revelation - 2000





Jesus Christ's genealogy, sons of David, sons of Abraham.

Concerning the events of the life of Jesus Christ to consider: on the historical or spiritual lines, it is necessary to present different family trees. The genealogy presented in this Gospel shows the historical line of the origin of Jesus Christ, that does not at all reflect his great mission in the world as one of the greatest spiritual teachers.

Let us consider the spiritual genealogy of Jesus Christ from Adam:

1. Adam was created by the Lord on the sixth day;
2. Seth is born by Adam;
3. Jenos is born by Seth;
4. Kainan is born by Jenos;
5. Maleleil is born by Kainan;
6. Iared is born by Maleleil;
7. Enoch is born by Iared; And Enoch was going before the God and the God took him.
8. Maphusal is born by Enoch;
9. Lamech is born by Maphusal;
10. Noah is born by Lamech;
11. Schem, Ham and Iaphet were born by Noah;
12. Elam, Assur, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram and Kainan were born by Schem;
13. Sala is born by Arphaxad;
14. Ever is born by Sala;
15. Falek is born by Ever;
16. Ragav is born by Falek;
17. Seruch is born by Ragav;
18. Nachor is born by Seruch;
19. Farra is born by Nachor;
20. Abram, Nachor and Aran are born by Farra; Abram gave birth to Ishmael.
21. Abraham, at will of the God, is born by Abram;
22. Isaac, on will of God, is born by Abraham;
23. Isav and James are born by Isaac;
24. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Neffalim, Gad, Asir, Issahar, Zebulun, Joseph were born by James;
25. Israel, on will of the God, was born by James; Benjamin is born by Israel, and his brothers were orn through his repentance;
26. Fares is born by Judah; 26. Kaaf is born by Levi;
27. Esrom is born by Fares; 27. Amram is born by Kaaf;
28. Aram is born by Esrom; 28. Aaron and Moses are born by Amram;
29. Aminadav is born by Aram;
30. Naasson is born by Aminadav;
31. Salmon is born by Naasson;
32. Vooz is born by Salmon;
33. Ovid is born by Vooz;
34. Jesse is born by Ovid;
35. David, the king, is born by Jesse;
36. Solomon is born by David;
37. Rehoboam is born by Solomon;
38. Abijah is born by Rehoboam;
39. Asa is born by Avy;
40. Jehoshaphat is born by Asa;
41. Ioram is born by Jehoshaphat;
42. Ozias is born by Ioram;
43. Ioapham is born by Ozias;
44. Ahaz is born by Ioapham;
45. Ezechias is born by Ahaz;
46. Manassias is born by Ezechias;
47. Amon is born by Manassias;
48. Joses is born by Amon;
49. Jehoiakim is born by Josiah;
50. Iechonias and the brothers are born by Jehoiakim before the movement to Babylon;
51. Salafiil is born by Iechonias in Babylon;
52. Zorovavel is born by Salafiil;
53. Abihu is born by Zorovavel;
54. Eliakim is born by Abihu;
55. Azor is born by Eliakim;
56. Sadok is born by Azor;
57. Ahim is born by Sadok;
58. Eliud is born by Ahim;
59. Eleazar is born by Eliud;
60. Matphan is born by Eleazar;
61. James is born by Matphan;
62. Joseph, the husband of Mary, is born by James;
63. Jesus Christ was born from Mary.

The abovementioned genealogy differs from the historical genealogy of the Gospel only with a shift by two generations forward, related to changing of the names of Abram and James. The Lord, changing the names to these patriarchs, confirmed by this the birth in them of qualitatively new, spiritual people. As to the historical genealogy, Jesus belongs to the sixty first generation, or, if we compare it with the days of creation, is the man of the fifth day. On the fifth day, the Lord filled seas with life and created heavenly birds. Therefore, the life of Jesus Christ was forever related to heavens.
As to the spiritual genealogy, Jesus belongs to the blessed seventh generation, to which Enoch, Ever, Abraham, Moses, David and others belong as well. This alone should have shown the highest spiritual purpose of Jesus for the sons of Israel. Both on the historical and spiritual line the prototype of Jesus is Isaac, son of Abraham.

The birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: after an engagement of His Mother, Mary, with Joseph, before they were married, it appeared that She has the Holy Spirit in the womb. (Mth., 1, 18)
To understand these words, let us return to the Deuteronomy, to the time when the Lord said to Moses:

I shall raise them a Prophet from the medium of their brothers, such as thee, and I shall put the words of Mine in His mouth, and He will tell them everything that I command to Him; (Vt., 18, 18)
Thus, the Lord promises "to raise", to create to the sons of Israel «from the medium of their brothers» of the prophet, such as Moses. The words «such as thee» mean, first, what is it there will be a man, and, secondly, that this prophet will execute the same problem that, at will of the Lord, was executed by Moses, that is to raise the nation Israel on a new spiritual step: he will discover to the people a curtain of Holy Tabernacle of Congregation. Third, the Lord will give him necessary properties to execute his mission. However, for 1,5 thousand years before the coming of Jesus Christ, the Lord had already known that his sermon among the sons Israel will be repudiated, and consequently He, so that His words, put in the mouth of Jesus Christ were carried to the mankind, prepared the fourth path to the Holy, a path for the pagans. This fourth path is fraught with both power and weakness. The power of the fourth path is that the sermon of Jesus Christ becomes accessible to a larger part of mankind, and the weakness of it is that pagans have no such great spiritual experience as Jews, who struggled with various signs of paganism for 1,5 thousand years.
As we already said in the commentaries to the Pentateuch of Moses, the mankind has collective consciousness, and that the people have accepted the new Truth, it is necessary to change him in the first place. Thus, the freedom of choice of the man is not infringed at all, because the Lord does not force and does not impose, but gives an opportunity, facilitating thus an acceptance of Truth.
Let us pay attention that the Gospel is constructed on following the prophets, but not the Pentateuch of Moses. It means that the nature of the essence of the second plan in the Pentateuch should remain a secret until the following spiritual stage, and only several parables that are not explained to the disciples contain some picture about the further spiritual development of mankind.
To raise people on a new spiritual level conforming to the spiritual state of the antediluvian mankind, it is necessary, first of all, to clear this level of sins of the antediluvian mankind; and for the people to accept the new Gospel it is necessary to clear their common consciousness too. The waters of the Deluge cleared the ground only from the external impurity. However, as we saw in the Pentateuch of Moses, sins may be passed and carried away. And the same is here, at will of the Lord and His power, Jesus Christ was given all the human virtues and the abovementioned sins from birth. For these sins not to possess him, they relate, at will of the Lord, by his force before the Epiphany. Here is what the oneness and exclusiveness of Jesus Christ consists of, and the Angel of the Lord proclaims to Mary about it.

And Joseph, Her husband, being a righteous man and not wishing to announce Her, wanted to let Her go secretly. But when he thought about it, - this, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary, thy wife, therefore the One born in Her was born from the Holy Spirit; She will give birth to a Son, and thee will name Him by the name of Jesus, since He will save His people from their sins. (Mth., 1, 19-21)

The Angel of the Lord proclaims to Joseph as well about the oneness and exclusiveness of Jesus and that Jesus is intended, first of all, to save «His people», that is the sons of Israel. «The saving of people from sins» may happen in many ways, but it is impossible to save from sins the one who does not want to be saved, that is why Jesus Christ did not save «His people from their sins». His own kind, the sons of Israel, did not accept him that is why we can not speak about any saving. On the contrary, the damnation of scribes and Pharisees by Jesus Christ increased the destruction force of the Roman invasion and played its role in the destruction of the Temple.

And all this took place, let the said by the Lord through the prophet come true, who says: this, the Virgin in a womb will accept and give birth to the Son, and He will be given the name of Emmanuel that means: the God is with us. (Mth., 1, 22-23)

The birth of Jesus Christ marked an approach of the new stage of Return and testified that the Lord did not forget the human kind for its sins, but opens further spiritual path to the world through Jesus Christ, which is the following step of the implementation of the plan of the Lord on saving the mankind. This path allows the world to make the next step in spiritual development according to the Gospel, the following step to the God.

And when Jesus was born in Judaic Bethlehem during the days of the king Herod, there came the Magi to Jerusalem from the east and said: where is the born Judaic King? Since we saw His star in the East and came to bow to Him.

The magi went to bow to the future great Judaic King, who should conquer the world, under the prophesies, and found justice in it. The power of this king will cover the pagans as well.

Having heard it, Herod king was alarmed, and so was all of Jerusalem together with Him. And, having gathered all common high priests and scribes, he asked them: where Christ was supposed to be born? And they said to him: in Judaic Bethlehem, since it is written so through the prophet: and thee, Bethlehem, the land of Judas, is nothing less than the Judah provinces, since the Leader will be from thee, Who will save the people of Mine, of Israel.

Herod was alarmed, because he descended through the line of Esau, but not of James and was the first king descended not from the kindred of Judas. Moreover, Jerusalem was alarmed, because it was afraid of the struggle for reigning, which would result in an interference of Rome. Under the word of the prophet, Christ (The Anointed) was to be born in Bethlehem. The anointing was done over kings, high priests and prophets. It is natural that everyone awaited Christ as the great King, but not a prophet. Instead, the prophet says about the Leader, «who will save the people», hence, we speak about the spiritual Leader, about the Shepherd.

And having seen the star, they had a joy of a rather great pleasure, and, having entered into the house, they saw the Baby with Mary, the Mother of His, and, having fallen down bowed to Him; and, having opened their treasures, brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. And, having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, returned to their country through other way.

The man sensitive to showing the Divine will, and the magi were exactly such, and such should be the people going to the Lord, He will lead to any place. The showing of the Divine Presence in the world for a sensitive man is as a book that you may read and the instructions of it should be followed. That is why the magi made it to the end, handed over the gifts to the baby, as to the future King, and, having seen a dream and having correctly interpreted it, left home by another road.

And when they went away, this, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said: rise, take the Baby and the Mother of His and run to Egypt, and be there until I say to thee, since Herod wants to search for the Baby to kill Him.

This episode shows that Jesus Christ was a living consciousness of the people of Israel, its best part, and that is why he reacted so harshly about all the false and "human" that was put into the law by scribes and Pharisees, and he was so tormented, seeing the aversion of the Gospel given by the Lord to his people. Moreover, Herod was an executor of the worse part of the consciousness of the People of Israel that is why he searched to kill the baby. The Holy Scripture describes Egypt in two ways: actually the country of Egypt, and Egypt, as a personification of all the mankind. The last presentation is used as the background in the Book of Exodus. Wherefrom it is seen that Jesus is the son of Israel, having the most spiritual consciousness, but this consciousness suffers a split, and Jesus is has to for a time go to pagans, where the power of Herod ends.

He rose, took the Baby and the Mother of His at night and went to Egypt, and there he stayed till the death of Herod, let there come true the said by the Lord through the prophet, who says: I called the Son of mine from Egypt.

The final words bear double sense: personification of Jesus Christ as a part of collective consciousness of the people of Israel (the Human son), and the return of Jesus Christ from the Egyptian country. The «Appeal from Egypt» means that the mission of Jesus covers the pagan peoples as well.

At those days there comes John the Baptist, preaches in the Judaic desert, and says: confess since the Heavenly Kingdom comes near. Since he is the one Isaiah prophet told about: voice crying in the wilderness: prepare a path to the Lord, make His ways direct.

The penance sermon of John the Baptist is conditioned by his opinion on coming of the Judgment Day. The Heavenly Kingdom in the gospels is perceived in several ways: first, as the kingdom of the world and justice that will come to Earth after the Judgment Day; second, as some world, where righteous men go after death; third, as Eden, paradise.

Then Jerusalem and all of Judea and the entire Jordanian neighbourhood came out to him and were baptized from him in Jordan, confessing their sins.

The word "baptized" is used incorrectly here. The sacrament of the Epiphany, as of an internal purification, gained its force only with the death of Jesus Christ, when the curtain of the Holy was opened, and the necessary condition for this purification is the belief. And in this case people came, confessed of their sins and received external purification by the waters of Jordan, though in Judaism, the Lord gave it and there exists a carefully developed system of the external and the internal purification. From this fragment, we can see that the sermon of John was joined in the people with an intuitive presentiment of the following spiritual breakthrough.

And a poleaxe is already lying at the root of trees: any tree not bringing a good fruit, is cut down and thrown in fire. I baptize thee in water in penance, but the One going after me is stronger than me; I am not worthy to carry His footwear; He will baptize thee by the Holy Spirit and fire; the shovel of His in His hand, and He will clear His barn and will collect His wheat in the granary, and He will burn straw by an inextinguishable fire.

We already spoke above in connection with the word "to baptize": it should everywhere be substituted by the word "to clear". John makes an external purification of the confessed sinner, but his prophetical vision allows him to assume that the Judge will come for him who will decide the destiny of each man. However, Jesus was not the Judge. Jesus Christ, at will of the God and by His power, gave absolution and made healings. What does it mean, «To give absolution»? In the Pentateuch of Moses the sinned man brings a sacrifice in the temple, for example, a ram, puts his hands on its head, confesses in his sin, transporting it to the ram, and then the ram is brought to victim. Thus, the sin did not disappear in the soul of the man but was tied together or "covered", so that the man would «rule over it». Jesus Christ, giving absolution, assumed them on himself so that to destroy them further by his death.
Jesus Christ did not baptize by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit was granted by the Lord to his disciples after the death of Jesus Christ, as previously it was granted to the seventy elders of the people of Israel, but gradually, because of the falling of the spiritual level of Christians, it was lost. As John possesses prophetical abilities, in his consciousness the phenomena of granting of the Holy and the internal purification of the following stage are mixed, and he considers the coming of the «One going after him», as an approach of the Judgment Day, when they «burn the straw» and cut down and throw in fire the trees not bearing fruit.

Then Jesus from Galilee comes to Jordan to John to be baptized from him. And John retained Him and said: I should be baptized from Thee, but Thee come to me? But Jesus told him in an answer: leave it now, since we should execute any truth in such a way, then John accepts Him. And, having had baptized, Jesus went at the same time from the water, - and this, the heavens opened to Him, and John saw the Spirit of God that descended as a pigeon, and was going down on Him. And this, a voice from heavens saying: This is the beloved Son of Mine, in whom there is My grace.

Why does Jesus Christ come to be "baptized" to John? Let us recollect that the priest in Judaism can not enter into the Holy not having washed before it by water from a cup before the Holy curtain, and this cup is placed on a separate stand. And the same goes here, the high Priest of the New Testament who should open the curtain of the Holy for the people and enter there, can not begin ministering the God not having washed himself in the cup and not being anointed. The cup, in this case is presented by Jordan, the priest from Aaron kin is John the Baptist, and God's Spirit does the anointing. It was in such a way necessary «to execute any truth», which was the Pentateuch of Moses. It is one side, and the other is that Jesus Christ should overcome the consequences of the Fall of people before the Deluge, when the waters of the Deluge cleared the Earth from the external impurity. Now Jesus Christ washes himself in these waters to make the return path: to return people in the antediluvian spiritual state, since the Path of the Return repeats in the back order the Path of the Expulsion. For this purpose, Jesus Christ has to clear from sins the spiritual state that has been before the Deluge and this is what is called the redemption of the antediluvian mankind, and to clear the consciousness of modern people so that they could understand and save the Truth. It does not absolutely mean that all the subsequently baptized Christians were automatically raised and remained at this level, as Jesus Christ granted only an opportunity to people for this purpose, but it depends only on the man himself what spiritual state each baptized man reaches. However, one thing is for sure. That is that many Christians reached this level, and it, due to the death of Jesus Christ, remains open for all, and any Jew or Christian going to the God, can not skip this Path.
In baptizing of Jesus Christ from John, there is also a third side. The human sins, which Jesus Christ carried in himself, represented a huge destruction force, and a man in his young years, himself and by his own powers can not hold them, that is why they were tied by the God's power. At the moment of christening, at the moment of the descent of the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ realized his purpose, and the power of God, which tied this «legacy of people» was lifted, but it remained with Jesus Christ. Now Jesus Christ had to carry everything all by himself. He cured people by this power, and, by this power, he held everything to himself.
As we may see from the destiny of John the Baptist, the main cause of his life, his purpose, at will of the Lord, was accomplished and soon he was taken by the guards and executed.

Then Jesus was put by the Spirit to the wilderness, for tempting from the Devil, and having fasted for forty days and forty nights, in the end got hungry.

As soon as the God's power tying together the human sins in Jesus Christ was lifted, he was brought into the wilderness for testing and an assumption of the new truth. This testing was spiritual and its purpose was to strengthen the spirit of Jesus Christ and let him command all the emotional and bodily forces. So that the destruction force of human sins would not take possession of him, and the powers given to him by the Lord were used for spiritual rising of the people. The nature of the test consisted in the internal struggle of Jesus, what mission to execute: the historical one or the spiritual one. Let us recollect that the receiving of the new spiritual truth by Moses happened within forty days as well, and the people of Israel at that time went through the test, which it did not pass.
At the same time, when Jesus Christ stood up for the spiritual direction, the basic stages of the subsequent spiritual development of the man were given to him.

When John the Baptist was taken by the guards, Jesus Christ went to Galilee and lived at Capernaum.

From that time, Jesus began to preach and say: confess, since the Kingdom Heavenly is coming near. (Mth., 4, 17)
And Jesus was going across all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and evangelizing the Kingdom, and curing any illness and every feebleness in people. (Mth., 4, 23)

When Jesus Christ received the Gospel, which he had to bring to the people, and realized his purpose, he began his preaching. As people were about to ascend a new spiritual height, and the people of Israel was burdened with sins, it is natural to begin this path with penance and purification. Jesus exactly repeats the words of John the Baptist on Heavenly Kingdom.


Seeing the people, He ascended a mount; and, when he sat down, His disciples came to him. And He, opening His mouth taught them, saying:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, since theirs is the Heavenly Kingdom.

The movement to the Lord may begin from various impulses, and one of them is the realization of your spiritual wretchedness and the desire to change this situation. It is the desire to change yourself that when it begins to show itself in deeds, that most of all brings the man near to the Lord.

Blessed are those crying, since they will be consoled.

Blessed are the meek, since they inherit the Land.

Blessed are the anhungering and craving for the truth, since they will be sated.

Blessed are the gracious, since they will have mercy.

Blessed are those pure in heart, since they will see the God.

Blessed are the peace makers, since they will be called the sons of God.

Blessed are those outcast for truth, since theirs is the Heavenly Kingdom.

Thee are blessed when they will abuse thee and outcast thee and in every possible way slander unfairly for Me. Be happy and have fun, since thy award on heavens is great: so the prophets who had been before thee were outcast too.

The new Gospel is affirmed in struggle: tests and prosecutions. The peaceful period after the death of Jesus Christ was rather short, and then the repressions fell upon his disciples from two sides: from the ecclesiastics of Judaism and from the pagans, and in the first place from Roman authorities.

Thee are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its force, how will thee make it salty? It is already good for nothing but for throwing it away for trampling it by people.

Let us remember what is included into the Holy: the breads of the offer that are salted; balm for the lamp; chrism for anointing; solution for incensing; fire, vine and blood of sacrificial animals. In addition, fire (carbons) and the incensing refer even more to the Holy of Holies, while the cup with water for ablutions on a support standing in front of the curtain of the Holy, already serves to the Holy.
The words of Jesus addressed to the disciples, «thee are the salt of the earth», mean that he assigns to them a mission to carry his spiritual and moral Gospel to people, retaining them from sin and spiritually raising them. As salt stops spoiling, so does his Gospel that is carried by the disciples. It not only saves the souls of people, but also brings them closer to God. Further, Jesus in his sermons and parables uses all attributes of the Holy introduced in it.

Thee are the light of the world. A city standing on top of a mount can not cover. And when a candle is lit, it is not put under a vessel, but on a lamp-stand, and it lights to everyone in the house. Let thy light shine to people, so that they saw thy good deeds and glorified thy Heavenly Father.

The lamp with seven icon-lamps (menorah) stands in the Holy opposite to the table with the breads of the offer. The disciples preaching his Gospel bring spiritual light to people. It enlightens the following stage of Return, the following step to the Lord. That is why, the disciples should not hiding themselves, bravely teach people, remaining an example of self-sacrificing ministering and high moral purity for them.

Do not think that I came to breach the law or prophets: I came not to breach it, but to execute it. Since truly, I am telling thee: until the sky and earth come, no iota or feature will come from the law, until everything is executed.

It is necessary to substitute the word "to execute", as it is done in many translations, by the words "to accomplish", or "to add". The word "to develop" would be more correct. Since the law, or the Gospel given to Moses, is the seed containing the hidden truth about the future. Jesus directly says that he came to raise people on a new spiritual level, he has brought further development of the law from the Lord. However, the development of the law does not mean increasing of quantity of rules and provisions, and on the contrary their reduction. Here the law is represented as spiritual seed given by the Lord, which grows at a certain time and gives new shoots, not at all infringing the will of the Creator, and following His Trade. The earthly world is a spiritual school of mankind, in which Judaism is the first class, Christianity is the second one, and so on, up to the fourth one. As at school, if there is no first class, it will soon disappear, and the same is in the earthly spiritual school of mankind, all the confessions given by the Lord since Judaism and further to Christianity, the Gospel on the Return and the Gospel on the Coming of the Messiah, as well as Islam is given by the Single Lord and execute one purpose: to lead the people to the God.

Therefore, who infringes one of these slightest commandments and teaches people to do so will be called the slightest in the Heavenly Kingdom; and who creates and teaches will be called the mighty one in the Heavenly Kingdom. Since, I am telling thee, if thy righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, thee will not enter the Heavenly Kingdom.

He calls the development of the provisions of the law preached by Jesus Christ the «slightest commandments», that is why their violation belittles the spiritual content of the man as well. The path of the further spiritual development is shown as well: first of all to create in yourself, and then teach the others, to excel «scribes and Pharisees» in the spiritual content and in relation to people. What Jesus calls the Heavenly Kingdom is a new spiritual level of mankind in the material world, and in spiritual world represents a whole world permitting to realize more fully the desires of the man, first of all creative ones.

Thee heard what is said by the ancient: do not kill, and who kills, faces a trial. And I am telling thee that everyone being angry with his brother, faces a trial; who says to his brother: "reliquary"* shall be subject to sanhedrim**; and who says "mad" shall be subject to the blazing inferno.

The man in the world is presented by his deeds, words, ideas and senses.
In addition, in this sequence he shows himself both in the attitude to people, and in the attitude to the God. Nevertheless, the man strongly changed during the past millenniums. In deeds, the destructive possibilities of a man in the modern world are comparable to the destructive possibilities of an army. The words (for example, a threat) may also have destructive consequences. The internal life of the modern man may be very sated, and that is why its spiritual content is directly reflected both on the state of the society, and on the relation to the Lord. Let us remember the Deluge: «And the Lord, the God, saw that the corruption of people on earth is great, and all the thoughts and their thinking of the heart of them were evil at all times». Since then the power of thinking increased many times, that is why the destructive possibilities of intellect increased too. However, the main thing is that, as we already discussed, the mankind has collective Consciousness, for which the internal life of each man is open, and which is the reflection of the spiritual state of the society. This Consciousness has personal properties, therefore all negative ideas and senses show in this Consciousness and return to people.
Let us remember that the Lord allotted highly spiritual people with a gift of miracle: by action, word, etc. These people should not only manage senses and thoughts but all of their senses and thoughts should grow from their high spiritual content. Therefore, it is initial for the man, his basis is his spiritual nature, over which he should work all his life: enrich and grow it and the Lord will help him.

So, if thee will bring thy gift to the table of oblation and there thee will remember that thy brother has something against thee, leave there thy gift before the table of oblation, and go before that reconcile with thy brother and then come and bring thy gift. Reconcile with thy rival without delay, while thee are on a path with him, so that the rival would not give thee to the judge, and the judge would not give thee to the servant, and thee would not be thrown in a dungeon; truly I am telling thee: thee will not go therefrom, till thee give him up to the last codrant.

The man going to the God, should be in peace with people, because the unity with the God begins with the "construction" of the spiritual unity with people. The path to the God is the path of spiritual rising: first, you think of yourself, then you think of your people, then all of the mankind becomes close to you and this is the path to the spiritual unity with the God.

Thee heard what is said by the ancient: do not commit an adultery. And I am telling thee that everyone, who looks at a woman with lust, already commits an adultery with her in his heart.

No where the spiritual nature of the man shows as brightly as it shows in the relations of the man and the woman. Love may raise the man on a great spiritual height. The spiritual content of the man is the ground, on which love grows, and the better the ground, the finer the flower that will grow on it.

It is also said that if someone divorces his wife, let him give her a divorce. And I am telling thee: who gets divorced with his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, he gives her a cause to commit adultery; and who marries a divorced woman, commits adultery.

The actions of the man should be such so as not to lead others into sin. It is completely related to the relations of the husband and wife.

Thee also heard what is said by the ancient one: do not forswear but execute thy oaths to the Lord. And I am telling thee: do not swear at all: neither by the sky, because it is the God's holy table; nor by Earth, because it is the foot of the legs of Him; nor by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King; do not swear by thy head, because thee can not make any hair white or black. But let there be a word of thy: yes, yes; no, no; and what is more than that comes from the Evil one.

With development of the man and the society the power of the human word increases multifold, therefore it is necessary to be extremely cautious in your words and oaths. The man should know that the feeling gives birth to a thought, which shows itself in a word, and the word may become a reality. The domination of spirit begins with the opposite: first the deed should be controlled, then the word, thoughts and senses.

Thee heard what is said: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. And I am telling thee: do not stand up against the evil. But who hits thee on thy right cheek, turn the other one to him too; and who wants to suit thee and to take a shirt from thee, give him the upper clothes too; and who forces thee to go with Him one walk of life, go with him two of those.

The Lord gave the abovementioned expression "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" to people in the law to teach them justice, beginning from deeds. But 1,5 thousand years have passed, the man changed, and Jesus, at will of the Lord, already teaches the following stage: to act so that, influencing the man, to wake his soul.

Give to the asking thee, and do not avert yourself from the wanting to take from thee.

This provision is contained already in the law of Moses and it is a necessary condition of love to the neighbour.

Thee heard what is said: love thy neighbour and abhor thy enemy. And I am telling thee: love thy enemies, bless the ones cursing thee, bless those abhorring thee and prey for those offending thee and turfing thee out, let thee be the sons of thy Heavenly Father, since He commands His sun to rise above the evil and good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous ones. Since if thee love the loving thee, what is the award to thee? Do not publicans* do the same as well? And if thee greet only thy brothers, what special do thee do? Do not pagans do the same?

In the heart of the man there should not be a place for hatred, since hatred not only kills his soul, but poisons the souls of others through collective consciousness too. «Love thy enemies», and by this you may, in the first place, touch their souls and push them on a kind path, and, in the second place, you will change relations between people and upraise your soul.

So be perfect, as thy Heavenly Father is perfect.

Beware, do not do thy alms before people, so that they would see thee: otherwise there will not be an award from thy Heavenly Father to thee. Therefore, when thee do alms do not trumpet before thyself, as hypocrites do in synagogues and in the streets, so that people would glorify them. Truly, I am telling thee: they already receive their award. And thee, when thee do alms, let thy left hand not know what the right one is doing so that thy alms be done in secret; And thy Father, seeing the secret, will explicitly reward thee.

The alms reflect the state of your soul: the compassion to the neighbour and sense of guilt before him, and it should not be done for the sake of an award, even on heavens, and that is why you can not do it any other way. Many people begin their spiritual path with the compassion to the neighbour. Giving the alms is the perfect method to defeat the power of money over you and sometimes to wake the man in a fallen and humiliated state, not speaking of the mere help to the neighbour.

And, when thee pray, do not be, as hypocrites, who like to pray in synagogues and, having stopped, at corners of the streets, to show themselves before people. Truly, I am telling thee, that they already receive their award. But Thee, when thee pray enter thy room and, having shut thy door, pray to thy Father, Who is in secrecy; and thy Father seeing the secrecy will obviously award thee. And praying, do not say redundant things, as pagans do, since they think that they will be heard in verbosity; do not be like them, since thy Father knows, in what thee have a need, before thy asking Him.

When a man begins his path to the Lord, and it is better to begin it by deeds, first of all one should change himself, control and educate himself. The man should begin to make himself on his own, and it is especially for this purpose that Saturday was established by the Lord for the Jews, then the Lord will come to help you, and, if you are attentive, you will see the signs of him everywhere around you. The Lord shows everywhere and always, but the majority of people is sick with spiritual blindness and does not see these signs. The pray addressed to the Lord is your verbal or mental part of dialogue with Him, as opposed to your deeds, and the power of the prayer lays in sincerity and the complete spiritual concentration.

Do not collect treasures on Earth to thyself, where moth and rust destroys and where thieves undermine and steal, but collect treasures to thyselves in the sky, where neither moth, nor rust destroy and where thieves do not undermine and steal, since where thy treasure is, there will also be thy heart.

The treasures of the soul of the man are its spiritual content, it is how far you have advanced on the path to the Lord. The movement to the Lord is, at the same time, serving the people, and on the contrary: spiritual serving the people, their spiritual perfectioning is the movement to the God.

The lamp for the body is the eye. So, if thy eye is clear, than all thy body will be enlighted; if thy eye is poor, all thy body will be dark. So, if the light, which is in thee, is darkness, what is darkness, than?

The way we imagine the world is defined by our spiritual content, our spiritual eye. Your spiritual powers will prevent any evil from penetrating into your heart. They will defend and shield you. Be close to the Lord, and he will always notify, shield and direct you on the right path. The path to the Lord is the path to the Truth, and it allows to form the more correct opinion about the world to the man. All actions and judgments of the man are defined by the opinion about the world (about the God, about the nature and about people) and the spiritual content of the man.

Do not judge, and thee will be not judged, since by what court thee judge, thee will be judged by such too; and by what measure thee measure, thee will be measured by such too.

The relations between people in the society should reflect the spiritual and the material unity of the world and contribute to the correct directing of the society development. When this unity is broken, its reflection in the consciousness of the man, and consequently in the society is distorted as well. The judgment of the man reflects the content of his soul, since «a good man takes goodness from good treasure, and an evil man takes evil from evil treasure». We already spoke above that the meaning and the power of the word, first of all, the destructive one, became huge in the modern human society, and it was not only the power of the word in the mass media too. Let us remember that it was yet during Moses that the Lord impeded the damnations of Balaam, since they could bring harm to people. Since then the spiritual power of the word immeasurably increased, and we may say that each judgment of the man, not only a verbal one but the mental one as well, changes the world!

Do not give relics to dogs and do not cast thy pearls before swines, so that they would not trample on them by their feet and, turning around would not tear thee into pieces.

Any truth demands a certain minimum development, knowledge or spiritual experience for its comprehension. It especially refers to such an area as the spiritual life. The man in his or her spiritual development passes many steps, and it is possible to compare this movement to the recovery of sight of a completely blind man, when he gradually begins to conceive world around him and his reason comes across completely new images not having had existed in his consciousness before. Various events may serve as a push to this spiritual development, and, first of all, an interference of the Lord into the human life, but the development occurs only when the man himself begins to change himself. Therefore, the truths informed to the people should correspond to their development and spiritual level, so that they could understand and save them. The truth, as a seed, may be saved only when it gets into fertile soil, and this soil is not only the intellectual and spiritual development of the man, but the need in truth, the will to accept, realize and save it.

Ask, and it will be given to thee; search and thee shall find; knock, and they will open to thee; since everyone asking shall receive, and the searching one shall find, and they shall open to the knocking one.

Everyone who stepped on the path of spiritual development and going to the God will receive help from the Lord. However, the road of the spiritual development begins and continues though deeds. The path to the God is the path of a victim because to change yourself, and that is what it consists of, is possible only through the development of spiritual properties and the suppressing of the animal ones. You may come nearer to the God only changing your soul.

And it is like that in everything, as thee want people to treat thee, so thee should treat them the same as well, since the law and prophets are in it.

The time to treat people the way you want them to treat you has passed. Indifference, the great evil, which divides people, came to the world. That is why it is necessary to learn to give all of yourself to people, up to your own life, not expecting and not demanding anything in return, as an example showed by Jesus Christ is the greatest force.

Enter by strait narrow gates, because the gates are wide and the path leading to perdition is wide and many people go by them; because the gates are wide and the path leading to life is narrow and a few people find them.

And why Jesus calls «to enter by strait narrow gates»? Because the path to the God is the path of creation, unity. There are always much more paths of destruction, than the paths of creation. Take any dogma: soon after its appearance it begins to be divided and split up.

Beware of false prophets, which come to thee in sheep clothes, and inside they have the essence of predatory wolves. Thee will recognize them by their fruits.

The higher the spiritual level of the man, the less he requires various rules and interdictions regulating his life. In process of the spiritual ascension to the God, the man is guided not by external ones, but by internal moral laws and becomes more and more free. As opposed to this path, in the course of development of the man, people try to subordinate each other and, first of all, to subordinate the consciousness of the man, since it is the highest form of power (human one) over the man.

So everyone who listens to these words of Mine and executes them, shall be likened to a reasonable man who has constructed a house on a stone base; and there was rain, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew and rushed to that house, and it did not fall, because it was founded on a stone. And everyone who listens to these words of Mine and does not execute them shall be likened to an unreasonable man who has constructed a house on a sand base; and there was rain, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and attacked the house; and it fell down, and its fall was great.

Jesus Christ says that the deeds of the man are the basis of the belief, but only when these deeds change of the man himself. The path to the Lord is the path of changing of the human nature, throwing away of some properties and cultivation the other ones. The man, as a gardener, must grow himself, and one of the instruments used during this are his deeds. Only such belief will resist all the persecutions and tests.

When He came from the mount, many people followed him. And a leprous man approached Him, and bowing to Him said: My God! If thee want, thee may clear me. Jesus extending an arm, touched him and said: I want it, be cleared. And he was at the same time cleared from leprosy. And Jesus says to him: look, tell no one, but go and show thyself to the priest and bring him a gift that was said by Moses, in an evidence to them.

The healings made by Jesus: by action, by action and word, and simply by word are always related to the acceptance of illness on himself. He never contrasts his Gospel to the Law, and advises the people healed by him to execute the relevant norms of the Law.

When Jesus came to Capernaum, a Chief warrior approached him and asked Him: My God! The servant of mine lays at home released and severely suffers. Jesus tells him: I shall come and heal him. And the Chief warrior, answering, said: My God! I am not worthy for thee to come under the roof of mine, but if I say a word, and the servant of mine will recover; since though I am a dependent man, but, having warriors in my subordination, say to a one: go, and he goes; and I say to another one: come, and he comes; and to a servant of mine: do that, and he does that. Having heard this, Jesus was surprised and said to those going after Him: truly, I am telling thee, I did not find such belief in Israel too.

The belief is the path, through which a man may receive help. In this episode, the chief warrior built a path, by his belief, through which there came a healing from Jesus Christ. The love of Jesus to people turns the action of his powers into goodness, and if there is no such love, this action will be evil. Therefore, the path to the Lord should begin from breeding of love to people in yourself.

I am telling thee that many will come from the east and west and lie down with Abraham, Isaac and James in the Heavenly Kingdom; and the sons of the kingdom will be thrown out into the external darkness: there will be cries and a gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said to the Chief Warrior: go, and let it be to thee, as thee believed. And his servant recovered at the same time.

The prophetical prevision of Jesus Christ that a large number of people will raise to the new spiritual level completely came true. It also came true that the sons of the kingdom, the sons of Israel, in general, did not accept him. However, the one who does not go to God leaves from Him. Therefore, the first will appear the last.

Having come to the house of Peters', Jesus saw his mother-in-law lying in delirium, and He touched her hand; and she rose and laid a table for them.

Here Jesus makes healing by action. The Lord may endow a man with various properties of the miracle: by action, which Moses broadly used; by word, which Jesus Christ used; by image, which the Lord gave to Israeli in wilderness for curing from punctures of snakes. However, it is necessary to remember that it was the Lord who gave all of these properties to all the people!

When there was evening, many demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove away the spirits by the word and cured all the ill ones, let the said through the prophet of Isaiah come true. He said: He took upon Himself our feeblenesses and carried illnesses.

Let us recollect that Moses made all the miracles by action, and when the Lord ordered him to make a miracle by word (to call water from the rock) before the people of Israel, he did not understand the Lord, and used the crosier again. The thing is that the creating by word demands a high spiritual state of people, a high level of belief, and the people of Israel had such a level of belief for Moses at that moment, and the Lord saw it, and Moses did not see it. 1,5 thousand years passed since then and the development of people, both the common one and the spiritual one went forward, that is why Jesus Christ widely uses the property of miracle-making by word given to him by the God.
Doing a lot of healings and giving absolution to people that he could do as well, since he had to destroy sins by his death, both of the antediluvian mankind, and to clear the part modern to him, Jesus Christ in the literal sense assumed other's illnesses and sins. He tied them up and retained them to himself by the power given to him by the Lord. However, how monstrous this burden was speaks the fact that further he will try to avoid healings concentrating on the main thing: the sermon of the spiritual Gospel.

Seeing many people around Him Jesus ordered to the disciples to swim to the other side. Then a scribe, coming to Him said to Him: Teacher! I shall go with Thee, wherever Thee would go. And Jesus told him: foxes have holes and heavenly birds have nests and the Human Son has no place where to lay a head.

Here Jesus Christ calls himself for the first time the Human Son, and he is truly the Son of Mankind, but, in the first place, he is the Son of the people of Israel. His consciousness reflects all the spiritual height reached by the collective consciousness of the people of Israel, but devoid of its sins, since the sins are reliably locked. Let us recollect that the prototype of Jesus Christ is Isaac, son of Abraham, born at will of the Lord, who is the first man circumcised under the law on the eighth day. And so Jesus was the first Man, but for Adam, who was completely devoid of animal properties. He understood all this, and this understanding showed on the secret evening in the offer of the "body" and "blood".

Then He, having entered into a boat, went back and came to His city. And then, a weakened man laying on a bed was brought to Him. And, Jesus seeing their belief, said to the weakened one: dare thee child! Thy sins are forgiven to thee. At this some of the scribes said to themselves: He blasphemes. And Jesus, seeing their thinking said: what for do thee think poor in thy hearts? Since what is easier to say: the sins are forgiven to thee, or to say: rise and go? But so that thee knew that the Human Son has the power on Earth to forgive sins, - then He says to the weakened one: rise, take thy bed, and go to thy house. And he rose, took his bed and went to his house.

The forgiveness of sins is higher than the healing, because an illness is only a consequence, but not a cause. Jesus can forgive sins to the man, because he assumes them upon himself. He acts as a victim that clearing people from sins destroys them by his death. The Pharisees and scribes could not understand that because the second sense of the Torah was hidden from them. And from here goes their hostile attitude to Jesus, which remains hostile until now.

Then the disciples of John come to him and say: why do we and Pharisees fast much, and Thy disciples do not fast? And Jesus told them: can the sons of the wedding hall be in sorrow, while the groom is with them? But days will come, when the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

John was the last prophet of Judaism. He descend from the family of priests, and the law was his life. In his sermons, he condemned not the law, but the sinfulness of people, their hypocrisy. That is why the disciples of John carefully executed all the provisions of the law, including the fasts as well. Moreover, Jesus saw what in the law is from the God, and what is thought of by people, and the thing is that what was thought of by people does not bring the man closer to the God, but moves him away from him. There are many ways of strengthening the spirit of the man, including the one by fasting. Thus, the main thing is the spiritual perfection, but not the fulfillment of the rules established by people. Jesus says that the new truth came to the world and all the residual things should be thrown away. The days will come, when Jesus will be "taken away" from his disciples and there will begin the days of grief, and then they will fast.

No person sews a piece of new cloth on an old coat. If he does, the new cloth will tear the old coat. Then the hole is bigger than it was before. No person puts new wine into old wine skins. If he does, the new wine will break the skins. Then the wine will be lost and the skins will be spoiled. New wine is put into new skins and both will be saved.

Jesus says that the new content of the spiritual Gospel should not be put into old norms and rules of Judaism, and, more than that, they having been formalized by the scribes, kill the soul of the Judaism itself too. The new content requires as well new forms of its expression. But these new forms of expression should raise the people, but not go down to its level. It clearly seen from the fact that symbolically the scope of Judaism is the court yard of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the scope of Christianity is the Holy, which is separated from the court yard by the curtain.

And Jesus went around all cities and settlements teaching in their synagogues, evangelizing the Kingdom and curing any illness and any feebleness of people. Seeing crowds of people, He took pity on them, because they were exhausted and scattered as sheep not having a shepherd. Then He said to the disciples: there is a lot of reaping, but there a few of doers; so ask the Master of reaping to send the doers for Thy reaping.

The messianic aspirations were spread, first of all, among common people, who related their hopes for a better life with Messiah as well. Seeing in Jesus Christ a Prophet sent by God, people waited that he will solve all of their problems. Jesus compares the sermon of the new Gospel to reaping, when the people matured to master these truths, which he had brought. However, he speaks about those who are around him: «there are a lot of those called ones, but a few of those chosen ones», that is of those who do not only accept the new Gospel, but also brings it to people.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on Earth; it is not peace that I have come to bring, but a sward, since I have come to divide the man with the father of his, and the daughter with the mother of her, and the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law of her. And the enemies of the man are his domestic ones. Who loves the father or the mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and who loves the son or the daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; and who does not take his cross and follows Me is not worthy of Me.

It is natural that Jesus condemning Pharisees and scribes and preaching the Heavenly Kingdom that will "come on the spur of the moment", split the society. This split will further end up in severe persecutions on his followers, among both Jews and the pagan world. However, the mission of Return, which the Lord began, giving the Gospel to the sons of Israel, is the process of uniting of all peoples. It was already in the Gospel that the road to the Lord was open to newcomers. In addition, in Christianity a separate path was intended for pagans. It ensured to the path a victory procession among peoples.
Nevertheless, this fragment contains a much more important truth consisting in the fact that Jesus Christ promises rescuing to each second man. Let us remember that at Judaism, according to the words of Zachariah prophet, the Lord promised to save one third of the mankind. And in such a way, as Judaism influenced beneficently the peoples related to Jews concerning the Lord's punishment that was when the punishment up to the fourth generation was lessened, and so did Christianity when it raised all the remaining mankind after it.

At that time, continuing the speech, Jesus said: I praise Thee, Father, My God of the sky and earth, that Thee concealed this from the wise and reasonable and opened this to the babies; hey, Father! Since this was thy grace.

There was a certain regularity in the fact that the people of Israel did not accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, since it was commanded to this people to keep the word of God. It is clear that the Gospel is easily accepted by those who did not have knowledge of the law that is by "babies" in the spiritual sense.

At that time Jesus was passing by fields under crops on Saturday; His disciples got hungry and began to cut grains and eat them. The Pharisees, having seen it, said to Him; here, thy disciples do what should not be done on Saturday. And He said to them: did not thee read what David had done when he got hungry himself and the ones with him? How did he come to the God's house and eat the offered bread, which was not becoming to eat neither to him, nor to the ones with him, but only to the priests? Or did not thee read in the law that on Saturdays the priests in the temple breach the Saturday, however they are free of guilt? But I am telling thee that here is the One who is more than a temple; if thee knew what means this: I want charity, but not victim, those free of guilt would not be judged, since the Human Son is the Lord of the Saturday as well.

Jesus had the most collision with Pharisees and scribes concerning following the Saturday. The thing is that for violation of Saturday in Judaism death was the penalty. On the path of the man to the Lord, the commandment about Saturday was the seventh commandment. Saturday is the «seventh day - the Saturday is to the Lord, thy God». «The Lord blessed the sabbatical day and consecrated it». Saturday was given to Jews so that on this day they honouring and learning the God came nearer to Him spiritually. They understood the words of the commandment «do not do any deeds on this day» literally, that is these should not be the ones pleasing to the God, and no other ones.
However, Jesus says that the Lord consecrated and that is separated the sabbatical day and blessed it for all the deeds that move the man closer to the Lord. We may consider as such a deed, first of all, the rescuing or healing of the man, as the priests in the temple made circumcision of the boys for the eighth day, even if it was on Saturday.

And, having gone therefrom, He came to their synagogue. And, there was a man having a dry hand. And Jesus was asked so that to accuse Him: is it possible to cure the man on Saturday? He said to them: who of thee, having a sheep, if it falls into a pit on Saturday, will not take it and drag it out of there? And the man is much more better than a sheep! So it is allowed to do kind things on Saturdays. Then He says to that man: stretch out thy hand. And he stretched it out, and it became as healthy as the other one.

Saturday was given to people for rest from work, it was given for praying and thinking about the Creator, that is for spiritual perfecting. The spiritual development is the path to the God, and the deeds are the base of the spiritual path. Rescuing of the man, healing of the ill is the best implementation of the commandment about love to the neighbour, but the scribes already "developed" and formalized the law to such an extend that even these acts were considered impermissible on Saturday.

From the days of John the Baptist and until now, the Heavenly Kingdom is taken by force, and the ones using the effort come first, since they predicted all the prophets and the law up to John.

Jesus says that the spiritual movement is always related to breaking the rules made by people, and it refers to the present time as well. The new truth, coming to change the old one always throws away all the residual things invented by people, and is often conceived as a rebellion against the Creator. The path to the Lord is the path to the Truth, and on the contrary, the one who searches for the Truth for the people, sooner or later will come to the Lord. The spiritual world of the Judaic patriarchs («the bosom of Avraam»), the spiritual world of Judaism and the spiritual world of Christianity (what Jesus names as Heavenly Kingdom) are different, separated worlds. These worlds are presented variously in the Tabernacle of the Congregation as well: Judaism as the court yard of Tabernacle, and Christianity as the Holy.

Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said: Teacher! We would like to see a sign from Thee. But He said to them in an answer: evil and adulterous people are looking for a sign; and the sign will not be given to him except for the sign of Jonah prophet: because as Jonah was in a womb of a whale for three days and three nights, so will the Human Son be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.

The sign is a bright symbol of the appearance of the Divine Presence and the feature of the attitude of the Lord to people or events. It is related, as a rule, to the future major historical or spiritual events. The Divine Presence in the world shows always and in everything. We may say that the life of the world is the realization of the Divine Presence. It appears, first of all, as the background of "accidental" events. These events contain a lot of information, and they may be read as a book. The nature of signs and events is opened, as a rule, to those who go to the God to direct them and facilitate their path for them.
The Lord called Jonah for prophetical ministering, but he attempted to evade it, ran away on a ship, and when he was thrown into the sea, he was swallowed by a whale, where he stayed for three days and three nights. Then he addressed the Lord:
Thee have cast me into the deep, into the heart of the sea, and the streams surrounded me, all Thy waters and Thy waves passed over me. And I said: I am rejected from thy eyes, however I should again see Thy saint temple. Waters grasped me to the soul of mine, the abyss concluded me; the head of mine is twined around with seaweed. I descended to the basis of mounts, the land with its bolts blocked me forever; but Thee, My Lord, my God, will lead my soul from hell. (Io., 2, 4-8)
Is not the Jonah's pray a pray-wail of all the antediluvian mankind? This reference on Jonah is a one more confirmation that Jesus realized the connection of His mission with the redemption of the antediluvian mankind, and he realized his Resurrection as a sign of this redemption.

He told them another parable: the Heavenly Kingdom is similar to sour, which the woman having taken it put it into three measures of flour until everything turned sour.

The sour, in this case, is a spiritual truth, which will be given by the Lord to the mankind at the three stages of its development. The Lord, yet, sending Moses to Egypt, called Himself the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God James and that conformed to three separate covenants: with Abraham, Isaac and James. This spiritual truth contained in the Teaching will be step by step opened at each stage, preparing the mankind to the spiritual maturity. These three stages correspond to the transition of mankind to higher spiritual levels described by the greater spiritual closeness to the God. As at its Expulsion, the mankind fell from a step to a step, and at Return it should ascend step by step.

Then the Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees come to Jesus and say: why do thy disciples breach the legend of the elders? Since they do not wash their hands, when they eat bread. He said to them in response: what for do thee breach the God's commandment too for the legend of yours? Since the God commanded: honor the father and mother; and: slandering the father or mother shall die. But thee say: if someone says to the father or mother: the gift to the God is what thee would use from me he may not honor his father or his mother; thus thee have eliminated the God's commandment by the legend of thy.

The problem of the priority of the Holy Scripture and the Legend had and has great relevance for Judaism and Christianity. From the moment of the creation of the man the struggle between different forces began, which showed both in the spiritual plan, and on the historical arena of the development of mankind. It is completely clear that the Legend began first of all to be subjected to constant attacks and distortions, as it was passed through verbal way. But the Holy Scripture did not evade these attacks too: it was lost, renewed, distorted at rewriting and so on. What serves us the basis to consider that the Holy Scripture in its basis saved the Divine truth? This basis is the revelations given to prophets and, first of all, to Jesus Christ. And the legend is subjected to much more distortions, therefore, doubtlessly, it is necessary to give priority to the Holy Scripture before the Legend.

And then, the Canaan woman, coming from those places, cried to Him: have mercy on me, My God, son of David, the daughter of mine is badly possessed. But He did not respond to her a word. And His disciples coming to him asked: let her go, because she shouts behind us. But He said in an answer: I am sent only to the perished sheep of the house of Israel. And she, coming to Him, bowed to Him and said: My God! Help me. And He said in an answer: it is bad to take bread from children and to throw it to dogs. She said: so, My God! But the dogs also eat bread crumbs, which fall from the table of their masters. Then Jesus said to her in an answer: Oh, woman! Thy belief is great; let there be to thee at thy will. And her daughter was healed at the same time.

The woman, the pagan, addressed to Jesus with a prayer to save the daughter, to what he responds to her that is he has been «sent only to the perished sheep of the house of Israel». This answer meant that, first of all, each healing took forces, which he brought to his people, and, second of all, was that Jesus did not imagine that the destiny of his teaching would depend on pagans. Why did he name Israeli the "perished ones"? Because the comprehension of the Law serving to the spiritual development of the people of Israel, became the opposite: the demand of the execution of the huge number of rules and exclusions, most of that were invented by people and killed the soul itself of the relations of the man with the God.

From that time Jesus began to open to His disciples that he should go to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders, high priests and scribes, and be killed, and resurrect on the third day. And, having taken him aside, Peter began to contradict him: be gracious to thyself, My God! Let it not be with thee! He, having turned around, said to Peter: get away from Me, Satan! Thee are a temptation to me! Because thee think of not what is Gods', but of what is human.

All the sense of coming of Jesus Christ to the world consists in this death. If he had stayed alive, all of his sermons would become senseless, all of his teachings would be forgotten, and the spiritual degradation of people would continue. And if he dies, sacrifices himself, his death will take away sins of many people modern to him, and will redeem sins of the antediluvian mankind. This redemption will clear the spiritual level, at which the mankind was before the Deluge, and people may again to be lifted to it and become closer to the Lord. This spiritual level in the Tabernacle of the Congregation is presented by the Holy, the curtain of which is unveiled by two human sacrifices: the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice of absolution. It is natural that the disciples do not imagine its predestination, and consequently Peter contradicts him.

Then Jesus said to His disciples: if thee want to go after me, reject yourself, and take the cross thy, and follow Me, since whoever wants to save his soul**, will lose it, and who will lose his soul for me, he will find it; what is the use to the man, if he purchases all the world, and hurts his soul? Or what buy-out will the man give for his soul? Since the Human Son will come in glory of His Father with His Angels and then He will give to each as to his deeds. Truly, I am telling thee: there are some of those standing here, who will not taste death, as they will already see the Human Son, approaching in His Kingdom.

Establishing of the new spiritual teaching is always related to cruel struggle, and at those times, this struggle was going not for life, but for death. Therefore Jesus, foreseeing the future, tries beforehand to spiritually strengthen his disciples, warning them about difficulties, asperity and death. If the man goes to the God, the death does not interrupt this path; and the death, which opens the eyes to other people and helps them stand on the path of the Truth, particularly raises the man. The subject of the Judgment Day and the soon second Coming of Jesus Christ may several times be met in the Gospel. From these statements, we may draw a conclusion, that Jesus Christ had no full picture of his mission. However, he knew or felt that the state of sinfulness of the people of Israel reached a critical phase, and this state had to be resolved either by the acceptance of his teaching, then he would clear his people by death, or the God's punishment (Judgment Day), in which he would participate. It was this sensation that allowed him to speak about his soon Coming.

Beware; do not despise any of these small ones; since I am telling thee that their Angels on heavens always see the face of My Heavenly Father.

This statement has a great meaning and follows from the Pentateuch of Moses. It means, first of all, that any sequence of commands given by the Lord to the Angel or the man, represents a series of steps between the Lord and the man, and the first command is the closest to the Lord; second of all, the Angel or man starts their execution them the closest to himself, so that all the time he would face the Lord. Thus, when the commandments were given to the man, he had to begin his path to the God with the last one that is from curbing his desires.

Since the Heavenly Kingdom is similar to the master of the house, who left early in the morning to employ workers in his vineyard and, having agreed with the workers to pay them a dinar per day, sent them in to his vineyard; coming out at about three o'clock, he saw the others, standing idly at festivities, and told them to go to his vineyard as well, and I would give to thee what will follow out of it. They went. Going out again at about six and nine o'clock, he did the same thing. At last, going out at about eleven, he found others, standing idly, and told them: why do thee stand here idly all day? They told him: nobody employed us. He told them: thee as well go to the vineyard of mine, and what will be becoming to thee, thee shall receive. When there was evening, the owner of the vineyard tells to his manager: call the workers and give them the payment, beginning from the last ones up to first ones. And those who came at about eleven o'clock received a dinar each. The ones who came first thought, that they would receive more, but they received also a dinar; And, having received it, began to murmur on the master of the house and spoke: these last ones worked for an hour, and thee made them even to us, and we suffered the burden of day and heat. And He said to one of them in an answer: friend! I am not offending thee; was not it for a dinar that thee have agreed with me? Take what is thy and go; And I want to give to the last one the same, as to thee; am I not in the power to do, what I want? Or thy eye is envious because I am a kind man? So the last ones shall be the first ones, and the first ones shall be the last ones, since there a lot of those called ones, and there are a few of those chosen ones.

In this parable, Jesus Christ disclosed all the stages of Return, which the Lord gave to Moses, and that were hidden in the Pentateuch. The master of the house is the Lord, and the vineyard is the mankind. The workers are the people called to carry the word of God to mankind, raising its spiritual level. The Lord called the workers for the spiritual labour for five times, so that each time to give the people the possibility to be raised on a new level. The first time the Lord calls pagans, Jews to open Judaism to them and by this overcome consequences of the Babylon dispersion. The second time the Lord calls Jews and pagans to open Christianity to them and enter them on the level conforming to the antediluvian spiritual state. The third time the Lord calls pagans-Arabs, descendants of Ishmael, to open Islam to them. The fourth time the Lord calls the people to open the Teaching on the Return to them and to raise people at a new spiritual level that existed before the assassination of Abel. The fifth time the Lord will call people at the time of coming of Messiah to give them a unified spiritual teaching and raise them on a level before the sinful fall of Adam.
Thousands years of development will strongly change the man: his intellect, purposes, concerns and spiritual content will change. These changes in mankind, in the spiritual plan, will be mostly negative, but the spiritual base of the knowledge of mankind will all the time be enriched. Those, last people, who will go to the Lord, will absorb to themselves all the spiritual heritage of mankind, learn on its mistakes, and, therefore reach great spiritual heights. As it was spoken above the execution begins with the last commandment and end with the first on, that is why the last will be the first.

When the brothers of Zevedy wanted to take the most honourable places in the Heavenly Kingdom, and «the other ten disciples became indignant» at them,

And Jesus, having called them up, said: thee know, that the princes of the peoples rule over them, and magnates dominate over them; but let there not be like that between thee: and who wants to be most important between thee, shall be a servant to thee; and who wants to be the first between thee shall be thy slave; as the Human Son did not come for a mission to be served, but to serve and give His soul for a redemption of many people.

In this fragment, Jesus Christ compares two paths of the development of the man: the first one is when an animal base rules in the man, and the second one is when the spiritual path of the development prevails. The earthly life of the human society is founded on the animal principle, and the other life is in the spiritual serving to people. The son, the servant, the slave - here is the path of the spiritual serving to the Lord. It is this path of ascending to the God that is described in the Pentateuch of Moses. Jesus Christ says directly that his mission on Earth consists in the spiritual serving to the people and the redemption of human sins.

And in the morning yet, returning to the city he got hungry; and having seen a fig-tree at the road approached to it and finding nothing on it, except only for the leaves, told it: let there be no fruit from thee henceforth for eternity. And the fig-tree faded at the same time.

Here for the first time the monstrous force in human sins externally showed itself, which he held to himself, not allowing it to seize him, and, here the healing word became the killing word. Therefore, when he was seized, they scoffed at him and brought him to the execution place, he did not need for his protection any legions of the Angels, he could kill legions with a word, but he carried his burden to the end and destroyed it.

Listen to another parable: there was some master of a house, who had planted a vineyard, enclosed it with a fence, dug out a grinder in it, built a turret and, having given it to vinedressers, left. When the time of fruits came closer, he sent his servants to vinedressers to take his fruits; the vinedressers, seizing his servants beat some, killed some and beat some with rocks. He sent other servants again, more than before; and the same happened to them. At last, he sent his son to them saying: they will be ashamed to see the son of mine. But the vinedressers, having seen the son, said to each other: it is the heir; let us go and kill him and we shall take possession of his patrimony. And, having seized him, they took him out of the vineyard and killed him. So, when the master of the vineyard comes, what will he do with these vinedressers? They tell to Him: these villains will be given to a malicious death, and the vineyard will be given to other vinedressers, who will return him fruits in due time.

The Lord, having created the sons of Israel, by the mouth of Moses commanded to him to listen to the Lord, keep and execute the commandments, laws and decrees. To listen to the Lord means: first of all, to listen to the prophets, whom the Lord sends to the world, and secondly, to become holy so that to hear His voice in yourself, and follow it. But the kings, priests and scribes, persecuted and killed these prophets, and as a result of this the spiritual development ceased, and the sons of Israel lost even the closeness to the God, which they had. Therefore, Jesus says that the Lord decided to give his "vineyard" that is the people of Israel, to other "vinedressers", as the previous ones did not bring spiritual fruits to the Lord.

Jesus, continuing to speak to them in parables said: the Heavenly Kingdom is similar to the man, the king, who made a wedding banquet for his son and sent the slaves to call the called ones to the wedding banquet; and they did not want to come. And again he sent other slaves, saying: tell the called ones: I have cooked a dinner, my calves and what is well-fed is slaughtered, and everything is cooked; come to the wedding banquet. But they, disregarding it, went to their fields, and to their trades; others seizing his slaves, insulted and killed them. Having heard about this, the king became angry, and, sending his armies, exterminated these assassins and burned their city. Then he told to his slaves: the wedding banquet is ready, and the called ones were not worthy; so go to crossroads and call everyone who thee shall find to the wedding banquet. And the slaves, going to the roads, gathered everyone, who they only could find, both evil and kind; and the wedding banquet was full of visitors. The king, having entered to see the visitors, saw a man there dressed not in wedding clothes, and tells him: friend! How thee have come here dressed not in wedding clothes? He was silent. Then the king told the servants: tie his arms and legs, take him and throw him into the external darkness; there will be cries and gnash of teeth; since there are a lot of called ones, but there are few of chosen ones.

- Here the king is the Lord, the son of the king is Jesus Christ, the bride is the new spiritual truth, the wedding banquet is the Heavenly Kingdom, the slaves are the disciples of Jesus Christ carrying the word of the Lord; and the called ones are the people of Israel, who did not want to receive the teaching of the Lord, and thus to be raised on a new spiritual level (enter the Heavenly Kingdom), and was punished for it. The teaching was preached to pagans, the spiritual experience of whom did not go to any comparison with the spiritual achievements in Judaism, as many, who joined the Christianity, still remained idol worshipers. It is necessary to note that the path to Christianity for the pagans was prepared by the Lord from the moment of bestowal of the Torah on the Sinai mount yet, as the fourth path in the Holy of Holies. The chosen people here are called the people not burdened by sins and having spiritual experience, sincerely accepting the teaching and passing it to people.

Therefore, I send to thee the prophets, the wise, and the scribes; and thee will kill some, and some shall be crucified, and others will beaten in synagogues of thy and made run from a city to a city; let all the holy blood spilled on earth come on thee, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiin, who was killed by thee between the temple and the oblation table. Truly, I am telling thee that all this will come on this kin.

Foreseeing the future, Jesus Christ speaks about the future destiny of the disciples, many of whom will be subjected to persecutions and killed, and accurses the scribes and Pharisees, who had already lost a long time ago the connection with the God. The formal and hypocritical attitude to the law, disobey of the truth and the accusations of the prophets became the cause of persecutions and assassinations of the prophets sent by the God. In this case, Jesus Christ calls for future punishment for future crimes against the disciples. Jesus says that this punishment is inevitable and «this kin» yet will be subjected to it, that is the present generation. This damnation was implemented in Roman invasion and the destruction of the Temple.

And having gone out, Jesus came from the temple; and His disciples came to Him to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus told them: do thee see all this? Truly, I am telling thee: everything will be from dash to pieces here; everything will be destroyed.

The prophesy of Jesus Christ completely came true: yet during the life of that generation, the army of Rome captured Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple.

Then the Heavenly Kingdom will be similar to ten virgins, who taking their lamps, came towards the groom. Five of them were wise and five were unreasonable. The unreasonable ones, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them. The wise ones took oil in their vessels together with the lamps. And as the groom was late, all of them felt dizzy and fell asleep. But a cry was heard at midnight: here comes the groom, come towards him. Then all these maids rose and adjusted their lamps. The unreasonable ones said to the wise ones: give us some of thy oil, because the lamps of ours die away. And the wise ones responded: so that there would not be no lack both for us and for thee, thee should better go to the sellers and buy it for thyself. But when they went to buy it, the groom came, and the ready ones went with him to the wedding banquet, and the doors shut down; and after it the other maidens also came, and they said: My God! My God! Open the door. However, He said to them in response: truly, I am telling thee: I do not know thee.

In this episode, the notions about the Coming of Messiah and the approach of the Judgment Day are mixed up. However, despite of that, we are again saying that the propagation of Christianity raises the share of the saved people for a half and extends the mercy of the Lord concerning the rest of the mankind.

Since He will act, as the man, who going to an alien country, called his slaves and entrusted them a manor: and he gave five talents to one of them, and two to the other one, and one to the other one, each for his abilities; and immediately left. The one who received five talents went and used them for business and gained five other talents; the same was done by the one who received two talents and he gained two other talents; the one who received one talent went and dug it into the ground and hid the silver from his master. A long time passed, the master of these slaves came and demanded a report from them. And, coming to him, the one who received five talents brought another five talents and said: master! The five talents that thee gave me; here are another five talents I have gained on them. And his master told him: well, kind and loyal slave! Thee were loyal in small, I shall put thee above much; enter into the pleasure of thy master. The one who received two talents approached as well and said: master! The two talents that thee gave me; the other two talents were gained on them. His master told him: well, kind and loyal slave! In small thee were correct, I shall put thee above much; enter into pleasure of thy master. The one who received one talent also approached and said: master! I knew thee, that thee are a cruel man, reap, where thee did not sow, and collect, where thee did not scatter, and, being frightened, I went and hide thy talent into the ground; here is thy to thee. His master told him in reply: evil slave and a lazy one! Thee knew that I reap, where I have not sown, and I collect, where I have not scattered; therefore it was necessary to thee to return the silver of mine to those trading ones, and I having had returned, would receive what is mine with a profit; so, take the talent from him and give it to the one having ten talents, since every having one will be given and it will be increased, and for the one not having it will be taken away even what he has; and throw the bad slave out to the external darkness: there will be cries and gnash of teeth.

The Lord distributed spiritual gifts to different people in a different way. Each man in life, if he does not increase them, he will inevitably be losing them. And Jesus here says that he brought and gives out spiritual gifts to people. That is the new truth that leads the man to salvation, and when the second time comes, he will ask each one what has he done with the truth given to him. Did he increase the treasures given to him? The provision that the spiritual and moral state of the world is unstable is for the first time given in the Pentateuch of Moses, in the book of Exodus. What does it mean? The consciousness of the man is formed by his triple base: animal, vegetative and spiritual. In the early period of existence of the man his spiritual nature was almost not developed, the vegetative one was developed weakly and the animal base lied in the base of his conduct. With the development of the man, these three his internal hypostasis diversified all the further one from another and the conduct of the man was more and more defined by one of the components. Then some people realize the movement of others as falling that contributes to their spiritual development. Jesus Christ repeats also many times that the spiritual rise of some people happens with the background of falling of others. Some people get virtues the others are freed from.

And when they ate, Jesus took bread and, having blessed it, broke it and, giving it to the disciples said: take it, eat it: this is the Body of Mine. And, having taken a cup and thanking them, gave it to them and said: drink everything from it, since this is the Blood of Mine of the New Testament spilled for abandonment of the sins.

In the Pentateuch of Moses and the Prophets there are several images of mankind, according to the triple human nature, including: as a flock of sheep, as a vineyard, as a field with reap bread and as a lamp.
The image of mankind as a flock of sheep stresses the supremacy of animal basis in the man. The image of vineyard stresses the human nature itself, the oblational side of human life. It displays that the people is a qualitatively new formation. The image of mankind in the way of fields of bread and grain discloses the nature of this new quality – the collective consciousness of mankind. Flour is the spiritual content of mankind, bread is the pre-image of the spirit world, and the image of reaping is always the symbol of the new spiritual transition. The image of the man as a lamp signifies the highest oblational side of the spiritual life of the man. The lamp joins in itself the fire of the God's Spirit and the highest spiritual nature of the chosen human sons.
Jesus Christ, naming himself the Human Son states by this that he personifies the collective consciousness of the mankind related to sins. Therefore, blessing and breaking bread, he blesses the spiritual consciousness of all the people as a whole. In the words: «take it, eat it: this is the Body of Mine», there is a direct indication on it, since «the Body of Mine» is the spiritual content of the collective consciousness, and, passing bread to the disciples, Jesus Christ, thereby, passes them high spiritual qualities.
The image of mankind as a vineyard represents people, who rule over their animal qualities, or were freed from them. The blood of the man, under the Pentateuch of Moses, was considered a receptacle of the soul, and the vine represents a pre-image of human blood that is released from animal nature. Offering his disciples to drink from a cup with vine introduced as the Blood of the New Testament, Jesus Christ, thereby, clears their souls from sin and passes them high human properties, the properties of the Human Son.

Then the warriors of the governor, having taken Jesus to Pretoria*, gathered all of the regiment for him and, having undressed Him, put a purpura on him; and having sawn a crown from blackthorn, put it on his head and gave him a cane in his right hand; and, standing before Him on their laps, sneered at Him, saying, be pleased, King Judaic! And they spitted on Him and, having taken a cane, beat him on His head.

Scoffing at him, Jesus was dressed in purpura, in clothes of the colour of the imperial dignity, but the purple colour has another meaning as well: the bread of the offer and all the vessels on the table in the Holy are closed with purple cover, when they take apart the Tabernacle at going to a new place.
Purple colour symbolizes human nature that completely corresponds to the name of the Human Son. That is why Jesus was saying, giving bread to the disciples: «this is the Body of Mine», that his ministering and death will open the path to the Holy to people.
When Jesus Christ was crucified, than

From the sixth hour, the darkness was on all the Earth until nine o'clock; and at about nine o’clock Jesus cried in a loud voice: Ili, Ili! Lama savahfani? That is: My God, My God! What for thee left me? Some of those standing there, hearing it, said: He calls Elias. And at the same time one of them ran, took a sponge, charged it with acetum and, having put it on a cane, gave Him to drink it; and the others said: listen, we shall see if Elias comes to save Him. And Jesus, cried loudly again, and breathed out the spirit. And then the veil of the temple tore into two, from top to the bottom; and the Earth was shocked; and rocks cracked;

In the bottom of the soul of Jesus Christ a hope lived that, maybe, at the last moment, the Lord will cancel this victim but in this victim there was all the point of coming of Jesus Christ to the world. This victim redeemed the sins of some people and cleared the sins of others. It opened the path to people for the new spiritual level.
The curtain of the court yard of the Tabernacle of the Congregation was open, by the will of the Lord by two priests: Nadab and Abihu. Their death redeemed the sins of the people from the Deluge till the Babylonian dispersion and took the sins of the sons of Israel. This double victim entered the people of Israel on the first spiritual stage of the Return of mankind to the Lord. And, then time passed, and the Lord sent a Prophet to people, and as He had promised to Moses to tell to the people about the new discovering of the Law and receive new victims voluntarily brought in the redemption of sins of the antediluvian mankind and the purification of those who would go by the way of Jesus. The death of Jesus Christ opens the new spiritual level for people, which is presented in the Tabernacle of the Congregation as the Holy. Therefore, at the moment of death the curtain is torn apart, symbolizing the opening of the Holy. The Lord punished the mankind for its sins by the Deluge, therefore the Lord, in the redemption of these sins by Jesus Christ, resurrects him.


The First Gospel  
  • Matthew