Revelation - 2000




You might be surprised not to find the name of the author of this text. I didn't dare to put my name as the author of the script that doesn't belong to me. But on the other hand it would be a kind of negligence on my part not to state who did it. I chose the latter.
I was born in Russia in a small town. I spent my childhood in a village. I was baptized as a child but then I turned into atheist.
I was poor and pitiful like my nation, but on wish of the Lord it didn't embitter me and I had love and mercy for ordinary people.
I was twenty years of age when I felt I was given the prophetic skills to change the future and I understood that God is true. But when I found out that special rules were applicable in this domain my interest somehow faded away – I was too young and common life was enchanting.
I was punished.
As the Soviet Union collapsed and the country was overwhelmed by financial gambling I got into the game but soon I was pushed out of it.
All those years whatever sins I committed the internal contact with the Lord would never stop though I never preached and I never went to church. Now as I look back I understand that the Lord has always been looking after me.
I began to understand that my people started to die out – in physical and spiritual terms.
As I saw that the soul of my people was in danger I preached to the Lord in my last hope. "O, Lord, wake up the hearts of people and show them the way of Truth. If You need my life – take it," – I said.
Once I went into a church in one of the monasteries and I was amazed. I began to go to church regularly.
Time was passing. "Study, - I was told in my dreams. – Study…study!"
In some time I understood that I had to learn the Holy Script. I had read the book before, but only some issues created interest in my mind and I never returned to the Holy Script.
I comprehended my task and being guided by the belief I started to study the Holy Script. I began with the Books of Moses and the great wisdom of the Lord was unveiled to me. Nobody apart from the Lord could not show the past, the present and future of spiritual life of mankind. I sometimes marveled, sometimes I was afraid of my work.
I knew clearly Who made the Holy Script, but still deep in my soul I cherished the small hope for a sign.
It was on December 22, 2000. Over three thousand years passed and the Glory of the Lord showed up over Moscow in noontime. The sky was partially covered by the clouds. The God's Glory was as follows: something like a new sun surrounded by halo shone about thirty five degrees close to the Sun. The shining halo didn't produce an image of a light, it looked like something material, as melted gold. The clouds couldn't hide the golden shining, it penetrated the clouds. As I saw it I marveled and I knew it was the Sign I always waited for. In fact it was not the time for usual traffic jams in that place but at that day the street was jammed with cars and they were there motionless for an hour. Many people could see this phenomena and they observed it with interest. I was so amazed that I couldn't hold my tears. It was there for three hours and then it smoothly disappeared. I regarded it as a Sign. Only two months later it was delivered to me in the vision that it had been the Glory of the Lord.
After that event I began to preach at the icon of Trinity, but soon a day before the spring equinox the Lord appeared to me in my vision and said – "I am single!".
In a year some three weeks before the book was put for printing I had a vision: a group of people came to me, it was headed by a representative person. One of the men came to me and said to me: "Show the President, what you've written." I took the script and passed it to the "President" saying I had only three days. He took it without a word and went away.
Next night the same group of people again came to me in my vision. The "President" came to me and returned the script. He said: "Give it to children". And then he left.



The First Gospel  