Revelation - 2000





The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the God’s Son, as it is written by the prophets is as follows: I send the Angel of Mine before Thy face, who will prepare Thy path before Thee. The voice crying in the wilderness: prepare the path to the Lord, make roads to Him direct.

John preached repentance in wilderness and did the purification of people by the waters of Jordan.

And He preached, saying: there is the Stronger than Me coming behind me, for Whom I am not dignified, kneeling, to untie the belt of His footwear; I baptized thee by water, and He will baptize thee by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not baptize people by the Holy Spirit. Only after his Ascension, the Lord descended the Holy Spirit on his disciples, as once he did, at the time of Moses, on the elders of the Israeli. For some time the apostles of Jesus and many of the disciples who received the Spirit, really passed It by laying their hands on it, as though doing the second Epiphany, but with time, the Spirit was lost. For the Spirit to remain on the man, not only a high spiritual state is necessary but a high level of the development of the man and, to a certain degree, and a true picture about the world.
As soon as Jesus was baptized from John,

Immediately after it, the Spirit lead Him to the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness for forty days tempted by the Satan, and He was there with beasts; and the Angels served Him.

The John's baptism was the moment of recovery of sight, the result of his previous path. Further, there comes the second stage: he receives Revelation and completely gets hold of himself, tying in his soul all that is stored by the antediluvian mankind. But why does the Spirit lead Jesus to the wilderness? The word wilderness, in this case, is used in two meanings: the literal one and the allegorical one. First of all, the severe conditions of wilderness best of all fit for testing the man carrying the monstrous load of human sins. Second of all, Jesus does not belong to the spiritual world of Judaism any more, he had come out of it, and the new spirit world of Christianity, which it inherits from antediluvian mankind, represents lifeless wilderness, and the Heavenly Kingdom in it should still be established, created.
It is necessary to note that the Lord, calling the man for ministering, does not hide from him the opportunity to choose various variants of his destiny, and the man chooses his path, being completely aware of his future.

He went therefrom and came to His fatherland; His disciples followed Him. When there came Saturday, He began to teach in a synagogue; and many of those hearing him spoke in amazement: where did He take it from? What kind of knowledge is given to Him, and how such miracles are done by His hands? Is not He a carpenter, son of Mary, brother of James, Joses, Judah and Simon? Are not His sisters here, among us? And they were tempted about Him. And Jesus told them: there is no prophet without honour, unless only in his fatherland and with relatives and in his house. And he could not do any miracle there, he laid hands only on few ill ones, and healed them. And he was amazed at their disbelief; then he went to the neighboring settlements and taught people.

The people surrounding Jesus and believing in him, served him the power source and helped in healing of the ill by word. And when he came to his city to people who witnessed how he had been growing, he could not break their disbelief, and they did not become his helpers. That is why among such people he could count only on his own, that is on healing by action, and that was what he did, laying his hands on the ill ones. By the words «his own» we call what he possessed as the man and what was given to him by the Lord after he had been "baptized" by John.

And, having called the twelve, He began to send them by two, and He gave them the power over demons.

As the Lord educates the man, turning him into a spiritual teacher, so is Jesus opening and changing the souls of the common people, given to him by the Lord, created to himself disciples and assistants.

And they brought to Him a deaf and dumb and asked Him to put his hand on him. Jesus, having taken him aside from people, put His fingers into his ears and, having spat, touched his tongue; and, looking at the sky, sighed and said to him: "effafa", which means open. And at the same time his hearing opened and the ties of his tongue were released, and he started speaking clearly.

Jesus often uses healing by action, sometimes combining it with the word. Such a way, he cures, as a rule, where he is not surrounded by many believers. The large number of people believing in him, report to Jesus the necessary powers for healings by word.

He comes to Bethsaid; and they bring to him a blind man and ask him to touch him. He, having taken the blind man by the hand, took him from the village and, having spat to him in the eye, put his hands on him and asked him: do thee see anything? And he, looking, said: I see the passing people, as trees. Then he again laid his hands on his eyes and ordered him have a look. And he was cured and began to see everything clearly.

It is clear that the message was already spread about Jesus as about the man possessing force of healing. Therefore ill people either strive to touch him (if their belief is strong), or address Jesus with a request, if they are not sure of themselves. And the same goes in this case, people address Jesus so that he would heal the blind man by his touch (action). The difference of this case from others consists in that Jesus has to choose his action for the blind to heal him.

And, having called up the people with His disciples, He told them: who wants to go after Me, reject yourself, and take thy cross, and follow Me.

Jesus demands from his disciples not only to break all property and family ties with the world, but, first of all, throw away all selfish desires and thoughts. The breaking of all property ties allows the man, if he has the desire to begin intensive spiritual development, and the family ties may become an obstacle to this.

They came to Jerusalem again. And when He was going in the temple, the high priests and scribes, and the elders came to Him and told Him: by what power do Thee do it? And who gave thee the power to do this? Jesus told them in response: I shall ask thee about one thing as well, answer Me, then I shall tell thee as well by what power I do this. The epiphany of John was from heavens, or from people? Answer Me. They thought between themselves: if we say: from the heavens than He will say: why did not thee believe him? And to say from people would mean we were afraid of people, because everyone figured that John was a prophet for sure. And they said to Jesus in response: we do not know. Then Jesus told them in response: and I shall not tell thee by what power I do it.

The high priests put questions absolutely correctly. If the man does something exceeding his possibilities than it is natural to ask how has he done it? But here the question was put in such a way that if Jesus says that his power came from the God, he will be sentenced to death for blasphemy, as the high priests needed a cause to sentence Jesus, and they all the time provoked him. But to avoid the trap, Jesus asks them about John's baptism (more correctly, purification). This issue is clear for him because it was, in fact, John's purification that served as the beginning of realization by him of his purpose. John descended from the kin of Aaron, brother of Moses and the first high priest of the sons of Israel, and therefore he purified Jesus for accepting the truths of the Holy.

One of the scribes hearing their debate and seeing that Jesus was good at answering them, approached Him and asked: what is the first commandment of all? Jesus responded to him: the first of all the commandments is listening to Israel! Our Lord is the one Lord; and love thy Lord with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy reason, and all thy strength, - here is the first commandment! The second one is similar to it: love thy neighbour, as thyself. There is no more important commandment than these ones.

The commandments, as steps of a stairway, are placed between the man and the God. And when the commandments were given by the Lord to Moses on the Sinai mount, the first commandment was as such: «I the Lord, God thy, who brought thee from the land of Egypt, from of house of slaves; let there be for thee no other gods before the face of Mine». But Jesus speaks about a totally different commandment: «Our Lord is the one Lord; and love thy Lord with all thy heart…» These words of Moses from the "Deuteronomy" book addressed to the people of Israel that became the daily pray of the Jews. The changing of the first commandment is the cardinal change of the picture about the God, the new step of the disclosure of the first commandment given on the Sinai mount. However, this new image either was not given by Jesus to people, or was lost. If we consider what is most informational, from the point of view of new truths, are in fact apocryphal gospels, we may conclude that many of the truths brought by Jesus, were either lost or destroyed.


The First Gospel  
  • Mark